Query – 38th TMW Photos (Circa 1963)

January 21, 2013

We’ve received a query about some 38th TMW Photographic Laboratory photos taken circa 1963.  Please contact Russ Reston if you provide any information about the occasion or people in the photos.  Thanks!  Russ

From: Robert Küther
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2013
To: SembachMissileers.org
Subject: Sembach Missileers Contact Form Input

Dear Sirs or Madame,

My name is Robert Küther. I am of German origin 20 miles away from Sembach Air Base. I live in the Czech Republic today.

My grandmother – Martha Budian (1910 -1993) – was employed as a civilian employee at the air base during the sixties.

Approximately in 1963, she was somehow rewarded from higher officials. Dating back to this scene, I have found some pictures that might be of interest for you.
Showing leading officers on one photo, I am sure you could identify at least some of them. This would be interesting even for me especially the information about the occasion.

Just click the link below to go on the site – www.uphistory.com – where I have posted them and watch the first 5 photos or “search” “sembach air base”.   The photos are shown below.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Robert Küther


38th TMW Photo Lab

Martha Budian

38th TMW Photo Lab

38th TMW Photo Lab

38th TMW Photo Lab